My name is Samantha, Sam for short and welcome to my blog! I'll try not to make it hella depressing! I was trying to figure out whether or not I wanted to blog my 365 Day Photo Project or not. Instead I decided to do it as like a monthly thing, like a monthly wrap up. And I'm going to only share like my favorite shots of the month instead of bombarding like the whole month. You can follow my photography Instagram(If you want), to see all of the photos! 

It's 2023! OMG! Another year being depressed, LETS GOOOOO! Here are a list of my 2023 goals, on top of my "word" for the year. Every year my mom asks me and my siblings what our word for the year is going to be and why. So my word for 2023 is "heal", there are a lot of things that I need to work on and change on who I am as a person. I am looking forward to all the things that I will accomplish in 2023! 

Here are my goals for 2023: 

1. Find a new therapist 

2. Pay off most of my debts 

3. Shop for clothing less

4. Read more

5. Finish shows that I've started 

6. Be consistent 

So far this month has been long! So glad its overrrr! On top of that I feel like I've forgotten like the basics of photography. Been taking me a while to get back into the groove of things but also making me kinda want to quit this project. I shouldn't, I just started but living in a different area where there's not much for me to work with BUT also me not being a fan of taking pictures in public because I am shy and anxious is not it either. There are times that I regret moving so far but also knowing for my mental health and other reasons I had to move. Hopefully in February I will have some better shots. But for now here are my favorite pictures of this month. And to see the rest you can go to my Instagram page! ENJOY!! :D 
